Futures Thinking

Prepare for Tomorrow’s Challenges and Opportunities. Today.

Where To Play

Harness the power of futures thinking and gain a competitive edge with my Foresight Thinking workshops. Based on the renowned IFTF methodologies, I’ll guide your team through exploring potential future scenarios, uncovering emerging trends, and developing robust plans to navigate the uncertainties of tomorrow.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Future scenario development: Utilize foresight techniques to explore a range of plausible future scenarios, considering technological advancements, socio-economic shifts, and environmental changes.
  • Emerging trends analysis: Identify and analyze key trends shaping your industry and the broader market landscape. Impact assessment: Evaluate the potential impact of these trends on your business, products, and services.
  • Foresight-driven plan development: Develop actionable plans to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks associated with future scenarios.


  • Enhanced strategic decision making: Make informed decisions based on a deep understanding of potential future environments.
  • Increased innovation potential: Identify game-changing opportunities arising from future trends.
  • Improved risk management: Proactively mitigate potential threats and adapt to unforeseen challenges.
  • Future-proofed business: Develop a resilient organization that can thrive in a rapidly changing world.

This workshop builds upon the comprehensive IFTF futures thinking framework, equipping your team with the tools and methodologies to become proactive shapers of their future.

Ready to unlock the power of foresight and navigate the unknown with confidence? Let’s explore the future together.