Beyond the Blueprint: Why Innovation Initiatives Demand a Different Frame

By Bruno Wozniak - Posted 3 months and 3 weeks ago

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into an innovation project, only to see it stall out and fizzle? You meticulously planned, budgeted, and assigned tasks, but somehow, the magic just wasn’t there. The culprit? You might be clinging to a project management style that stifles creativity and crushes the very essence of innovation. Forget the rigid timelines and linear roadmaps – it’s time to trade your suit and tie for an explorer’s hat and machete! Join us on an adventure as we delve into why innovation initiatives thrive in the wild, untamed frontiers of possibility, and how to navigate them for groundbreaking success.


Imagine this: you’re a seasoned explorer, tasked with leading your team through a dense, uncharted jungle. Your goal? To discover a hidden temple rumored to hold untold riches. Sounds exciting, right? But would you use the same map and machete you’d use to navigate a well-worn hiking trail? Absolutely not.

The same logic applies to the world of business innovation. Many leaders approach innovation initiatives like traditional projects – defining clear goals, setting rigid timelines, and expecting a linear path to success. This neat nd structured approach often leads them astray, leaving them frustrated and empty-handed.

Why Innovation Isn’t a Classic Project

Here’s the thing: classic projects deal with the known. You have a defined scope, established resources, and a predictable outcome. Innovation, on the other hand, thrives in the unknown. It’s about venturing into uncharted territory, exploring new ideas, and embracing the unexpected.

Let’s take a closer look at the key differences:

  • Goals: Traditional projects have clear, well-defined goals. Innovation initiatives, however, often start with fuzzy aspirations. You might have a general sense of the problem you’re trying to solve or the opportunity you want to capture, but the “what” and “how” are often shrouded in uncertainty.
  • Process: Projects follow a linear path, with clearly defined steps and milestones. Innovation is an iterative process. You need to be comfortable with experimentation, pivoting based on new learnings, and embracing failure as a stepping stone.
  • Metrics: Project success is often measured by hitting deadlines and staying within budget. Innovation success hinges on the impact of your solution. Did it solve the problem? Did it create value for the customer?

The Explorer’s Mindset: Managing for Innovation

So, how do you navigate the innovation jungle effectively? Here are some key strategies to adopt:

  • Embrace the Unknown: Accept that you won’t have all the answers upfront. Encourage exploration, curiosity, and a willingness to experiment.
  • Build a Culture of Learning: Foster an environment where failure is seen as a learning opportunity, not a punishment. Celebrate “smart failures” that provide valuable insights.
  • Assemble the Right Team: You need a diverse group of individuals with different perspectives and skillsets. Creativity thrives on collaboration.
  • Focus on Outcomes: Don’t get bogged down in rigid timelines. Instead, focus on achieving tangible results that validate the innovation’s potential.
  • Be Agile and Adaptable: Be prepared to change course based on new information. The innovation journey is rarely a straight line.

The Power of the Pivot: A Story of Innovation

Let’s illustrate this with a real-world example. Take the story of 3M’s Post-it Notes. The original adhesive used to create these ubiquitous notes was actually a failed attempt to create a super-strong glue. The scientist leading the project, Dr. Spencer Silver, recognized the potential of this “weak” adhesive and championed its use for a new application – the now-iconic Post-it Note. This is a classic example of how embracing the unexpected and being adaptable can lead to groundbreaking innovations.

Innovation: A Journey, Not a Destination

Innovation initiatives are not about reaching a single, pre-defined goal. They’re about embarking on a journey of discovery, learning, and adaptation. By adopting the explorer’s mindset and shedding the rigid project management approach, you can increase your chances of finding the hidden temple of success in the vast jungle of innovation. Remember, the most valuable discoveries often lie off the beaten path. So, grab your metaphorical compass, embrace the unknown, and get ready for an exciting adventure!